I Know You Probably Don’t Even Want to Look at Me

While it might be hardly sporting, I figured I'd throw my hat into the ring for the contest, considering there's just about a week left to get your entries in if you wish to enter! 

(I kid, of course, my entry won't be counted in for the potential to win, after all, what would I do with the ability to request a caption from myself? Most of my captions are my own requests! But we've only had a few entries so far so it'll be a rather disappointing turnout if we don't get some more soon)



  1. I had to read that one 2x before I got it! I often find that the ones I have to read more than once are among the best! This was no exception!!!

    The problem is easily solved of course. Cliff will be thrilled to hear of the out-of-town cousin's "recent break-up"!!!


  2. I can easily understand his anger not only that he has had to go through a session with her hairdresser but that she then spoils a possible date for him with a real man is more than even a beta man will be able to live with, I suppose.

  3. Hope you get a few more captions for your contest. I made one mostly to be supportive and because I wanted to test myself. If you do get enough submissions, please just consider mine a tribute so that someone more deserving might win.
