Biker Chick

 Another relatively short one, but I just really liked the photo and wanted to use it.


Initial Tests

 It's been a bit slow on the inspiration front lately, but I saw this photo and got an idea for a short, funny cap.


Family Day Picnic (Part 2)

 You all seemed pretty excited about this one, so I figure I'll see how many parts I can get out of this. No promises as to length but I imagine I'll have at least four parts.


Family Day Picnic

 Slightly inspired by the story, "The Cougar's Daughter" over on, with some inspiration from Sick Puppy Press's old story, "Two Forms of ID" Although ironically, this caption could also be called "Temporary Daughter" and make complete sense.

April's the Fool

 Getting it in a little under the wire, but it still counts! And boy do I love wordplay!