Welcome to the Estrocola Side of Life!

A capback on the Rachel's Haven forum for myother123 who recently joined the captioning game and is amazing and deserves some love, so go check out their work. If you like my stuff, then I bet you'll love their stuff as well! Plus, I've been dying to use this pic for ages, but I didn't get a story for it until I saw their preferences!



  1. Myother123 seems like a real sweetie, and it's always nice to have some flesh blood (whoops, I typed in flesh instead of fresh, and I'm going to go with that!) I didn't realize she was on deviant art as well, so perhaps I'll like her there too.

    And HOLY EXPOSITION BATMAN .. that first paragraph!

    So psyched that you are back on track. Really dig your captions. When I get a chance, I'll try to whip something up for you!

  2. Would like to see a follow up to this one. Has some good potential! Zoe
