Always Pay for Quality

Just a quickie inspired by a photo I found on Tumblr. I plan on posting there slightly more now, with DeviantArt showing that they don't want TG fiction writers around, having already taken down Courtney Captisa and myother123, plus the violation I got last week, so I'm trying to diversify myself.


  1. I love your work. Can you place a link to your Tumblr, please.

    1. Oops, I knew I forgot something! My Tumblr is vthunder42 @

    2. Thanks and I am now following!

  2. Really? They've been pulling them all down? Is it because of the stories, or the images? Because I've seen quite a few plain "story" people still up, and someone else doing S!ssy artwork too.

    And wasn't Tumblr cracking down a year or two ago? Did they give up?

    Sorry, I am wondering myself where creators are going to be heading next. I don't want to leave blogger, but some of their crackdowns a few months ago took out 15 of my posts.

    We need to hang together, or we'll hang seperately!
    Well at least those of us that are well hung!
