Help! I’m Trapped in… a Supermodel’s Body Again!

Based on that old book series by Todd Strasser (Help I'm Trapped...) I decided to try my hand at a mock-up caption of what a future-set sequel might be like. Seriously, there was so much gender bender stuff when we were kids that I'm only just now realizing was there.


  1. I would like to request the following please: James' sister Amy was a witch and asked James to spend the weekend as her sister. Her spell would rewrite reality to where James was born a woman. James reluctantly agreed but only if he was still attracted to women. Amy agreed and cast the spell. James spent the weekend as his female self so much he asked Amy to make it permanent. James was now enjoying his new life and was ready for his first date with his crush Maddie.

    Here's my photo suggestion:

    Please consider and have a great day.

  2. love this super model switch! Please continue the next part of it!
