Say Cheese and Feminize!

Inspired by the premise of an interactive story (…) that was inspired by a Goosebumps book.

I got a little artsy with this one, but don't expect that to be a regular feature.



What Happened Last Night? (SteffiMarieChen Tribute)


Another homage caption, this one in my best impression of SteffiMarieChen, one of my favorite TG caption makers of all time. (or did the fact that I used Molly Quinn in that first series give that away already?)


Taking Her Place


Based on another thread from one of my interactive anthologies:… (which was itself inspired by an old story called “Melissa’s Diary” by Jennifer White)


Cosplay Gone Wrong


This one is based on the first interactive story I posted on,…

It's pretty rough at parts, but I still really like the general premise.


Ballerinas in Training (Courtney Captisa Tribute)

 After that first homage cap I made, I thought it might be fun to try doing some of my other favorite captioners' styles in homage as well, and this one is a Courtney Captisa homage.





This one is based on a story prompt that I came up with (and participated in) on The story veers pretty heavily off my original premise once another writer takes over, so be forewarned that the story is incomplete and doesn’t have a resolution. (But if you’ve got ideas, you’re more than welcome to add a branch to the story tree!)…


The Pinch Hitter


This one is based on an idea I had for a text story ages ago that I could never work out how to expand.

The Budget Model


I've always really liked this picture, and I didn't originally imagine an auto closet story for it, but once I started writing, that's just where it went.

The Piano Teacher (Emory Ahlberg Tribute)


While trolling for photos to use, I found this one and immediately I got the vibe of one of Emory Ahlberg's captions and I decided to ape their style for this one. I hope they don’t mind, and I hope I did it justice.


Careless Wisher


Seems like captions are like Pringles, once you pop, you just can't stop!


Temporary Daughter

My first ever TG caption series, done as an experiment to tell a story that I'd envisioned as prose in a different medium. From it's surprisingly warm reception, I ended up making many more in the future.