Draft Dodger

Decided to do a one-sided conversation in this one, maybe a bit too expository, but I wanted to try something different. Enjoy!

Your Fantasy

One of my favorite caption artists has returned to the game after a very long absence, I won't say her name, but if you check out my Tumblr reblogs recently, it's pretty obvious who it is, and that's reminded me of one of her captions from back in the day that I adored and this picture made me want to try my hand at a similar premise.


Sissy Trip 2

Over on writing.com, another author (and former captioneer whose work I adored back in the day) and I have been collaborating on an interactive expansion of "Sissy Trip" and since it's been on my mind and I found a fitting photo, I figured it was time to return to that vacation! (Also, check out that story if you've ever wanted to see any of my captions expanded on, because there are quite a few in there, some of which I've done and some done amazingly by others!)

Exact Words

 Another Canva caption. Let me know what you think of the new format, any tweaks I need to make?

Marching Band Geek

After last week's Canva experiment, decided to try making a caption inside it. It was... interesting, slightly easier than using Paint.NET but also harder in certain respects. We'll see how this goes in future.

Also I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that Nate's plan in this was directly inspired by an episode of South Park. If you know, you know.

Taking It Day By Day (Caitlyn's Masks Tribute)

 So this is a big one, eh? Backstory, years ago, Caitlyn Masked (of the brilliant blog Caitlyn's Masks) made a Valentine's Day obscura featuring a company called "Day by Day Transformations" and if you know me, you know I love a slow burn transformation story. And I've been enamored with that one ever since and always wanted to do something similar. Then the idea for this struck me amongst all of the "New Year, New Me" posts, which are ripe with TG potential. And voila! This story was born! Decided to use Canva again to get the vibe (and so I didn't have to painstakingly add Polaroid frames like I did back in "Say Cheese and Feminize!") Hope you all enjoy it and I hope Caitlyn doesn't mind me playing in her sandbox a bit.


Made this one a while back, again no resemblance to the Maroon 5 song of the same name, but I figured I'd post it after making Driver's License as a funny bit of pop song similarity.

Driver's License

 Unintentionally borrowing the title, any resemblance to current pop icons are purely coincidental.

New Story: First Class Experience


Remember that post from a few months ago where I showed that (probably staged) TikTok video about the guy getting a surprise pedicure on an airplane? And how I mentioned that if I'd written that story, it would have involved a much fuller makeover? Well, I put my story where my mouth was and wrote it! 

Available now wherever fine TG stories are found!

TG Storytime



Hey Dude-ette

Saw this image and my brain actually managed to carve out a story for it! Hope you enjoy!

Royal Replacement

Not quite back, this is a mostly finished cap I've had lying around for a while, but I got the bug to finally finish it!

Life Imitates Art! - A TG Article

I know I haven't been posting much, honestly that DeviantArt fiasco (if you aren't aware, DA took down another of my caps for "adult content" so I nuked all my content on the site in order to save my account from being disabled like so many others) soured me a bit, but I'm currently publishing a new story over at all the usual places:


TG Storytime



But in addition, going through what remains of my DA account, plus two recent discoveries, (and in the style of Courtney Captisa) I decided to showcase some instances of life imitating TG art, things I've found online that mirror stock TG plots, because as the title of this post says, life imitates art!

First things first, in honor of Locktober, this article of a notice of a male chastity device capable of being hacked which could lead the user to be locked inside and held at ransom. Presumably the real life criminals wouldn't be trading the unlock code for feminization, but you never know, right?

Then we have two situations of men dressing up as their significant others, the first to board a plane despite being COVID-positive and the other to pass a test. The second one in particular is a classic! 

Then we've got this one, from back when King Charles ascended to the throne after nearly a century of female rule in Britain! Force Fem the Queen! Succession-related feminization is another classic of the genre!

 Finally, we've got the two recent ones which are linked in that they both involve nail polish!

Imagine if you will, an automatic manicure machine, which is much different than the type of machines written about in TG fiction, but still pretty cool! It's not nearly as efficient or useful, no extending the nails with extensions yet, unfortunately.

And then this (likely staged) video

where a rude male passenger gets a surprise pedicure while asleep with his feet encroaching on the space of the women in front of him. If I'd written that story, he'd have gotten a lot more than just a simple pedicure, let me tell you.

Hope you enjoyed this foray into the real world and I hope that inspiration will strike soon to bring some more captions back to this blog! 

Tell me in the comments if you've seen any real life situations that bring to mind TG captions or stories recently, maybe I'll make this a regular feature!

The Natural (or Team Morale)

Another one where the TG is implied, (Man, I really take it for granted, huh?) but I think it comes across. And what do you think the "Team Morale Expert" does? I think she'll still be playing with a bat and at least two balls, don't you think?

And I'd be remiss if I didn't link to the song that at least partially inspired this cap, and that I borrowed lyrics from for the final line: